Between sky and canvas
The art of transformation
Boundlessly new: the magic of change
An ode to courage
My art is an ode to courage and the freedom to constantly look at the world anew. It reflects the dynamics of life - a constant dance between the known and the unknown, between security and the challenge of crossing boundaries. I firmly believe that true growth comes when we find the courage to face the questions that worry us the most: What is holding us back? And how can we make the impossible possible?
In my creative process, I am guided by intuition and energy. Each work is created in a field of tension between control and letting go, structure and movement. Through the conscious use of materials and textures, I create art that not only touches the eye, but also invites the hands to feel the stories hidden in the layers. It is these invisible connections - between the viewer and the work, between the work and the world - that bring my works to life and make us think: How do we shape our reality? And how can we boldly transform it?
At the heart of my art is the idea of transformation - the ability to reinvent oneself and to see change not as a loss but as a gain. I invite the viewer to immerse themselves in a world characterized by openness and resilience through my works and to look at the possibilities that lie beyond the fear of the unknown. My art is an incentive to follow one's own path, driven by the conviction that strength lies not in perfection, but in authenticity - and that every moment is an invitation to seek the best that lies ahead.

The magic of change: art as a bridge to the unknown
Désirée von Allmen
Désirée von Allmen grew up in an environment characterized by structure and convention. However, her determination to go her own way and challenge the status quo became apparent early on. Despite the gloomy predictions of some teachers, she developed an unshakeable determination to pursue her goals regardless of external expectations. This attitude ran through her life - from overcoming stereotypical barriers as a helicopter pilot to successfully founding a company. Each of these experiences shaped her vision: the courage to break through her own boundaries and embrace the unknown. She wants to pass on this spirit of self-determination through her art.
Désirée's works are characterized by a unique technique that combines layers, structures and textures to create almost three-dimensional images. She experiments with acrylic, impasto techniques and spray elements, creating works that invite the viewer to pause and discover new perspectives. Her painting is a reflection of her life - an interplay of control and letting go, precision and intuition. She focuses on themes such as freedom, change and overcoming boundaries and inspires her viewers to courageously embark on their own transformations.Désirées Werke sind geprägt von einer einzigartigen Technik, die Schichten, Strukturen und Texturen kombiniert und so fast dreidimensionale Bilder schafft. Sie experimentiert mit Acryl, Impasto-Techniken und Sprayelementen und erschafft Werke, die den Betrachter dazu einladen, innezuhalten und neue Perspektiven zu entdecken. Ihre Malerei ist eine Reflexion ihres Lebens – ein Wechselspiel aus Kontrolle und Loslassen, aus Präzision und Intuition. Dabei setzt sie Themen wie Freiheit, Veränderung und das Überwinden von Grenzen in Szene und inspiriert ihre Betrachter, sich mutig auf eigene Transformationen einzulassen.
Today, Désirée von Allmen lives in Zug, Switzerland, and allows her artistic work to occupy a central place in her life. With growing recognition from collectors and art lovers, her work resonates not only on an emotional but also on an intellectual level. Her paintings represent the courage to change and the beauty of change - an invitation to look at oneself and the world from a new perspective.

© 2025 Désirée von Allmen. All rights reserved.